
JWilliams Staffing Addresses Central Florida Housing Growth

Posted: September, 22, 2016 | Categories: Company and Industry News

Orlando, FL (September 22, 2016) – Responding to home builders’ demand for expert recruiters to mitigate the labor shortage and facilitate sales is JWilliams Staffing of Florida. Opening its doors on September 26, the national recruiting firm, led by industry veteran Cheri Bass, will deliver strategic recruitment solutions at a high ROI.

A longstanding Florida resident, Bass has been named to lead JWilliams Staffing of Florida, according to a formal announcement by JoAnne Williams, CCRM, MCSP, Founder, President and CEO of JWilliams Staffing. Williams explains, “Cheri’s extensive area experience in all aspects of sales management, including from the builder’s perspective, enables her to effectively identify, train and place key personnel in a timely and cost-effective manner.”

Bass is a proven expert in sales, marketing and recruitment, who will skillfully assist sales managers with serving Central Florida’s year-over-year housing growth.

Bass’ two decades of experience includes measureable success with nationally acclaimed and privately held home builders, combining up to 32 sales representatives and four direct reports generating a 47% increase in sales from 2011-16. Her background in recruiting and training has been further recognized through coveted industry awards. A respected member of the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB), Bass earned her SPIKE membership for recruiting new members, was honored with a Presidential Citation from the Home Builders Association (HBA), served as the Sales and Marketing Council (SMC) president, an SMC Committee Member and a Membership and Government Affairs Committee Member, and was on its Board of Directors. As a Regional Director of Sales and Marketing, Bass was also awarded Sales Manager of the Year in 2013 and in 2015.

The benchmark in real estate recruitment and staffing solutions, JWilliams Staffing has effectively delivered personnel services on a national scale to both the new home and multi-family industries for more than 15 years.

Williams concludes, “As builders have sought our services in Orlando and surrounding areas, we felt the need to offer value-driven solutions to shaping the next generation of new home sales professionals. Cheri will play an integral role in accomplishing that objective.”

JWilliams Staffing is a full-service industry leader for providing proficiently trained and carefully selected real estate personnel and professionals in the areas of new home sales, marketing and property management. For information, call (949) 250-1923, email or visit 

By JWilliams Staffing

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