If you work in the real estate industry, we don't need to tell you that the past few years have been tough. You've lived it. You've seen talented hardworking individuals cut from the team. You've agonized over your position. But, take heart! The team at JWilliams Staffing has declared 2012 is the year that we get back to work!
There is excellent news to share for employers and candidates! For employers, the talent pool is brimming with brilliant candidates who eagerly want to earn gold stars for you and your company! For candidates, there are employment opportunities from employers looking for people with your skill set and enthusiasm to take their company to the next level.
JWilliams Staffing not only pairs the best candidate for the position available, but cultivates and nurtures talent. In addition to the candidate vetting process, we offer training on professional dress and etiquette. This means the company will be represented well, and the individual will exude confidence when working with your clients, which will translate into more deals.
We place candidates of all types from the receptionist's desk to the C-Suite. Whether you're looking for temporary work, project work or a full time work, JWilliams staffing can help the right candidate find the right job at the right company. Let us help you get back to work!