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Interviewing Tips for the Real Estate Industry

Posted: March, 22, 2013 | Categories: Interview 101 for Job Seekers

It's certainly no secret that the job market for the Real Estate industry is tight today with more and more highly qualified individuals looking for new career opportunities. For anyone looking for a job in the real estate industry as a new home sales agent, property manager or leasing consultant, it takes more than just showing up for an interview to land a good job. With years of experience in real estate recruitment and staffing, we offer to you some basic do's and don'ts one can follow when interviewing for a job in the highly competitive real estate industry.


Interviewing for a Job in Real Estate

Once you have an interview lined up, it's time to prepare yourself for the big day. Know the exact place and time of the interview, the full name of the person who will be interviewing you as well as his or her title. You also need to do some research on the company to find out where its offices are located, what services it offers, what its success has been and its potential for the future. Be prepared to ask questions during your interview to show your interest in the company and the position you're applying for.

Some good questions to consider are:

  • Asking for a detailed description of the position
  • The reason the job is open
  • The values of the company
  • What type of training is provided?
  • The company's best-selling services
  • The company's recruitment process
What to Bring with You to the Interview

You should arrive at the interview carrying a briefcase or portfolio with your resume inside as well as any materials you were asked to bring. Be sure that you keep everything in good order so that you don't have to fumble around looking for a particular paper or document. Also bring along a pad of paper and a working pen.

What to Wear to the Interview

You should plan on dressing professionally as the way you dress at your interview will give the interviewer an instant impression of what you're all about. Dress the part of a serious, intelligent businessperson. Skip the trendy clothing. Avoid wearing things that scream out for attention and which take away from your skills and qualifications. If you dress well, you'll be remembered well but if you dress poorly, you'll easily be forgotten. Your hair should be clean and neat. If you plan to wear jewelry, keep it to a minimum. Face piercings other than ears are a big no-no as are visible tattoos. Don't over-do it with cologne or perfume, as many people are very sensitive or allergic.

What is Taboo to do in an Interview

Getting hired involves more than just providing good answers to questions posed to you. Do not under any circumstances bash your current or past employers or bosses. Instead, stay focused on being positive when asked why you worked for someone. Never stretch the truth about your skills or qualifications as doing so is unethical; plus, you might get caught. Stay away from discussing controversial topics during an interview and never make any personal comments about your interviewer even if you think you are being complimentary. Don't initiate a conversation during your interview about compensation because if you do, the interviewer will think that the position is all about money to you.

Following up on Your Interview

It's crucial that you follow up on your job interview as doing so makes it clear that you are still very much interested in the position. You should send a follow-up letter, tailored to the company and suggest some specific ways you can address the company's needs you discussed when you interviewed. Remind the interviewer of your past accomplishments and qualifications. It's imperative to send this letter out quickly, because if you don't another applicant may send a great letter before you do. While following these tips won't guarantee that you'll be hired, they will give you a good chance of landing that real estate job you have your eye on.


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