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Interview 101: Resumes Do's and Dont's

Posted: March, 1, 2023 | Categories: Resume Tips | Interview 101 for Job Seekers


The art of writing a resume has withstood the test of time. Resumes help employers find the perfect fit for the job they are seeking to hire for. The difference between now and back in the day? With online job boards and applications, employers are seeing A LOT more resumes; making it more important than ever to have yours stand out.

A great resume is more than just a half-baked list of your education, work history, and skills. Your resume is your proposition to the company as to why they should hire you over anyone else. That’s why it is important to know what the company is looking for and highlight your experiences that align with their interests. There are great ways for your resume to show the employer exactly what you bring to the table; however, it is also possible to have too much information, an insufficient display of your accomplishments, or too generic of a resume. All of which might hurt your chances of getting the interview.

Learn how to write a resume with these important Dos and Don’ts that will increase your chances of being identified as a top contender for your next job application.


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