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Empowering Your Team: The Science-Backed Benefits of Gratitude in the Workplace

Posted: December, 27, 2023 | Categories: Sales and Customer Service | Workplace Tips & Professionalism | Team Development & Company Culture | Gratitude

Insights from Science - The Impact of Gratitude

In today's fast-paced professional world, the power of gratitude often remains untapped. At JWilliams Staffing, the leader in real estate staffing, we recognize the importance of fostering an employee-first culture. Join us as we explore scientific studies highlighting the benefits of gratitude, particularly in the workplace. 

The Science Behind Gratitude 

Research consistently shows that gratitude can significantly improve mental health. A study by Emmons and McCullough (2003) revealed that individuals who kept gratitude journals showed considerable improvements in several aspects of psychological health, including greater levels of joy, optimism, and happiness. In honor of JWilliams Staffing upcoming 20th anniversary, CEO, JoAnne Williams gifted employees with a gratitude journal to encourage journaling. JWilliams annual Service Awards and Employee of the Year Award recognize employee achievements and foster a culture of appreciation. 

Gratitude doesn't just benefit the individual; it strengthens team dynamics. Algoe and colleagues (2013) found that gratitude can enhance social bonds and interpersonal relationships, essential in team-oriented environments like staffing, real estate, property management and home building. JWilliams encourages team bonding through the creation of a fun committee which organizes quarterly events to engage employees and reinforce the company’s commitment to gratitude.

Gratitude goes beyond mental wellness. A paper by Hill, Allemand, and Roberts (2013) demonstrated that grateful individuals tend to exhibit better physical health, fewer symptoms of illness, and more engagement in healthy activities. By offering employees VTO (volunteer time off) employees can put gratitude to work in the community. Participating in community service and philanthropy reflects JWilliams gratitude towards the community and creates a reputation as a socially responsible organization. 

Empowering Your Team: The Science-Backed Benefits of Gratitude in the Workplace


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